Protecting Hawaii’s Kūpuna Since 1997

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June 5 – 11: Medicare Fraud Prevention Week – Knowledge is Powerful

Medicare fraud is big business for criminals. Medicare loses an estimated $70 billion each year due to fraud, errors, and abuse. The exact figure is impossible to measure.

Medicare fraud hurts us all. When thieves steal from Medicare, there is less money for the health care we really need. We pay for things we may never get. We can get hurt when we receive tests, medicine or care we don’t need.

Doctors, pharmacies and medical suppliers can make mistakes and bad choices. Sometimes they straight-up steal from Medicare. When people steal from Medicare, it hurts us all and is big business for criminals. A few common examples of fraud, errors, or abuse could include:

Falling prey to consumer scams or health care fraud may mean that your Medicare number has been “compromised” as a result of medical identity theft. Stealing from Medicare leaves less available funds for those needing services now as well as those needing Medicare in the future. Medicare is trying to crack down. To learn more about this special week, visit:

Ready to Serve You – SMP Hawaii is ready to provide you with the information needed to PROTECT yourself from Medicare fraud, errors and abuse; DETECT potential fraud, errors, and abuse; and REPORT your concerns.

Contact SMP Hawaii today. Build your power with knowledge that can safeguard your money, personal identify and life legacy.

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